Directorty Opus 5 - Magellan 2
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Short: Yet More NewIcon Images!Locale,ParNet,more..
Author: Phil Vedovatti (vedovatt@u.washington.edu)
Uploader: Phil Vedovatti (vedovatt@u.washington.edu)
Type: pix/icon
This is the third set of my NewIcon images for your Workbench.
These all use the standard NewIcon palette, so they won't
allocate any extra pens from your workbench if you are already using
IMPORTANT! If you are not running NewIcons, these will only look like
little squares and you won't see any cool icons. See below on how to
install them.
Included are nearly 60 images not found in the original NewIcons archive,
NewIconsXtra set, or previous AesIcons archives. Most are totally original,
some are adapted from parts of Roger McVey's work, and a few others are
adapted from images done by other aspiring icon artists.
This archive includes icons for Parnet, Fax Software, utilities, some games,
and internet programs. Also included are some (very cool, IMHO :) locale
drawers with flags. If your country is not in there, email me and I'll
make one for you.
A word about the ParNet icons. Deficons recognizes a def_NetDisk.info for
which you can use one of these icons for the default Net: icon on your
Workbench when you start ParNet. If you want to do this, use copynewicon
to transfer the image over to a drawer or disk icon named def_NetDisk.info,
then copy it over to your Envarc:sys drawer. Also included are some icons
to use for your node.rinfo icons. NewIcons recognizes these too! Read
the Parnet docs on how to use node.rinfo for your network icons. Basically,
if you use injectbrush and inject your image into a drawer icon, then rename
it to "node.rinfo", you can put these icons into your partitions and these
images will pop up as device icons when accessing Parnet throught the
Workbench. Pretty cool, huh?
For you software authors out there, how bout putting some NewIcon images
in with your programs? For those not using NewIcons, they don't see them
anyway, and it saves me the trouble of having to deal with deleting those
purple MWB icons and me having to make new images for your software.
You can easily make them from DPaint IFF brushes.
Regardless of whether you prefer MWB or NewIcon images, it's important to
remember that the NewIcons system works with either type of image, and gives
you the benefit of not having to worry about what your palette is set to
in preferences. The images will auto-remap to the appropriate color.
Personally, I prefer the NewIcons style, but you can use NewIcons to adapt
your icons to any style you like. Thanks to Nicola Salmoria for making such
a fine system, and to Roger for his excellent artwork. It's been fun working
with you guys.
If you plan to use these images, you need the NewIcons Package. It's
available on Aminet (pub/aminet/util/wb/NewIcons.lha). If you are not
running NewIcons, you will only see little squares for the icons, and
this package will be of no use for you. To install these images, use
the "copynewicon" utility to transfer the images over to the appropriate
icon. DON'T use the "creatdefaulticon" utility. That's for creating
NewIcon images for files that don't have ".info" files attached to them.
Copynewicon is safe to use on your existing icons, because it won't mess
with your default tool or your tooltypes. Also, DON'T just copy the .info
file over to your existing programs, because you won't keep your default
tool or tooltypes that way either. Like the NewIcons documentation says,
think of this collection as a catalog of "images" rather than icons, from
which you copy the image over to your other programs, rather than replacing
the whole icon itself.
This set is freely distributable, and the individual icons may be used or
modified as you please. If you pass on the package to others, please keep
the archive intact with its documentation.
These icons were created with DeluxePaint IV AGA, NED (NEwicons Editor,
Roger McVey's NewIcon editor - still in beta form) and NewIcon2brush.
Final formatting was done with killoldicon.
Feedback is always appreciated. If you use these icons, and love (or hate)
them, send me some e-mail.
Phil Vedovatti
Snail Mail Address:
Phil Vedovatti
2424 41st Ave. East., Apt #370F
Seattle, Washington 98112
_____ .__ IRC: Aesculape /\ vedovatt@u.washington.edu
/ _ \ _____ |__| _________ / / Philip A. Vedovatti
/ /_\ \ / \| |/ ___\__ \ / / University of Washington
/ | \ Y Y \ / /_/ > __ \_ / / Department of Medicine
\____|__ /__|_| /__\___ (____ / / / It's not the chips or the MIPS...
\/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/ the OS is the boss. *A4000/40*
Co-sysop, Virtual Reality BBS: telnet vrb.com